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South Florida Men's Health

HGH Peptides


Sermorelin e Ipamorelin son hormonas liberadoras de la hormona de crecimiento (GHRH) que están disponibles solo con receta médica. Se han convertido en una alternativa extremadamente popular a la terapia de HGH, ya que le permiten obtener los beneficios de la HGH sin sus riesgos y un precio prohibitivo.

La administración de HGH directamente debe realizarse con una precisión extraordinaria para evitar una sobredosis y evitar la posibilidad de que el cuerpo detenga su propia producción natural de la hormona.

Debido a que es un precursor de HGH, Sermorelin e Ipamorelin crean la liberación de HGH más consistente con el proceso natural del cuerpo, en lugar de los niveles consistentemente altos que se ven con la inyección directa de HGH. Eso lo convierte en una alternativa mucho más segura a HGH, a la vez que proporciona el mismo nivel de beneficios.


  • Aumento de la masa muscular
  • Disminución de la grasa corporal
  • Aumento de los niveles de energía, estados de ánimo y bienestar general
  • Aumento de la fuerza muscular.
  • Mayor producción de colágeno y grosor de la piel (¡luce más joven!)
  • Mejor capacidad cardiovascular y rendimiento en el ejercicio.
  • Aumento del metabolismo en reposo y síntesis de proteínas.
  • Aumento del libido

Pongase En Contacto

South Florida Men’s Health puede ayudar a aquellos en Weston FL, Sunrise FL, Pembroke Pines FL y muchos más lugares. Queremos ayudarlo a aprovechar los beneficios de Sermorelin e Ipamorelin.

Para obtener más información sobre Sermorelin / Ipamorelin o para programar una consulta gratuita con uno de nuestros proveedores, llame al 954-384-2925 o complete el formulario y uno de nuestros empleados se comunicará con usted.

Look & Feel Your Absolute Best!

1398 SW 160th Ave Weston FL 33326 US
(954) 376-4156
5/5 based on 5 reviews

Real People. Real Effects.

Client Testimonials

My energy level immediately spiked as in right after my first injections of b12 and testosterone. My sleep requirement has plummeted from needing 7-8 hours to needing 5-6 and I don’t get tired during the day anymore. I am already looking and feeling stronger. My stamina has increased greatly.

Very rarely do you find any business let alone health care that provides the level of personalized service Dr Steve Goodman does and his staff. I have been a patient for almost a year now and could not be more satisfied. Every call every message answered promptly and professionally. The only problem is that I cannot give a sixth star.

I have had a very positive experience with South Florida Men’s Health over the past four years. Their services and recommendations have helped me feel stronger and safer. Testosterone and peptides have various benefits for men’s health when used under proper guidance and medical supervision.

I have been on Dr. Steve's TRT for a little over 3 months. I have to say I feel much better. He is always available for any questions or concerns, and gets right back to you right away. Additionally at his recommendation I recently started taking Trimtropic twice weekly. OMG this is AMAZING. More energy, loosing weight, less brain fog, curbed hunger and no jitters.

I've been using South Florida Mens Health for over 3 years, and has changed my life for the better in many ways using TRT. Doctor Steve Goodman is by far the best in the practice. Always there for me on answering my questions, giving excellent advice and is considered my life coach.

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